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How to Go Live on Facebook: 101 Guide for Beginners

Find out how to go live on Facebook with our step-by-step guide. We cover Facebook live streaming on any device and share tips on promoting your live!
Kendall Breitman
Social Media & Community Expert
Last Updated:
December 27, 2023
Reviewed by
Ortal Hadad

Do you want to learn how to use Facebook to try to get your streaming content in front of as many platforms as possible? In this article, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for how to go live on Facebook from a desktop, a smartphone, or a gaming console. 

We’ll also explain how to use the built-in features of Facebook Live to engage your audience. You’ll learn how you can monetize the relationships you create using fan subscriptions, brand partnerships, and more. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know for how to live stream on Facebook and get some recommendations for streaming software that will up the production value of your content. 

What is Facebook Live?

Facebook Live lets users live stream video of live events, performances, and more directly on the platform. You can interact with your audience using live chat features that provide the opportunity to build relationships with viewers and share your content with a wider audience. Anybody with a Facebook account can take advantage of the platform’s live streaming features. 

Facebook Live Features

Facebook Live has features that allow you to interact with your audience to create relationships you can leverage to promote, grow, and monetize content. Keep reading to learn more about how to use live polls, live comment moderation, featured links, and more to engage your viewers and expand your audience. 

The live polls feature lets you create polls before your broadcast to share with viewers live. Use interactive polling during your broadcast to get insight on important topics from your audience in real-time. You can find out what your audience wants to see during streams to produce better content. 

Featured links are a way to monetize your stream. This feature allows you to share links to third-party sites during your stream so you can make money through affiliate marketing programs with different brands. 

Live in Stories is a feature that lets you broadcast directly to Facebook Stories. You can use this to maximize your reach and get your content in front of as many viewers as possible.

Live comment moderation gives you the opportunity to oversee the chat related to your streaming content. If you don’t want to spend time moderating your chat while streaming, you can change the Facebook Live setting so that the viewer of your choice can take over chat moderations. 

Front row shows who your top fans are in a special section during your live stream. This allows you to see who your top supporters are so you can shout them out during your live broadcast and interact with them via text and video chat. 

Badges highlight how much certain fans engage with the content you create. Fans can earn badges in many different ways and the rewards make them feel valued and interested in your videos.  

Live Producer lets you go live on Facebook using a camera and live streaming software

Why Stream on Facebook Live?

Facebook Live is a great platform to use to gain a following and monetize your content. The Facebook Live streaming service features provide opportunities for you to engage with followers so you can build your brand and more easily gain sponsorships. We’ll cover some of the benefits of streaming live on Facebook.   

Build Your Following

People from all around the world log on to Facebook on a daily basis to watch content and interact with friends and family. This makes Facebook the perfect platform to get your content in front of as many people as possible and grow an audience. Because Facebook is an Instagram partner, you can stream your content simultaneously on Facebook and Instagram live. 

Engage With Your Audience

Facebook implements engagement tools like text and video chat so you can stay connected with your viewers. Live polls, badges, and the front row feature all make audience members feel like a part of your content so they stay engaged and keep coming back for more. 

Monetize Your Livestreams

You can generate income from your live streams, though it will take time, patience, and hard work. Facebook provides many different options for creators to make money, including fan subscriptions, viewer engagements, and affiliate marketing. We’ll explain how you can use some of Facebook Live’s features to make money from your streaming content.  

Fan Subscriptions

Certain eligible Facebook Pages support fan subscription services that allow viewers to support their content. Fans pay a recurring monthly fee for your content through the platform.

Facebook Stars  

Stars can be purchased by fans and given to creators as a monetary award. This is a great way creators can be rewarded for building a committed fan base and consistently creating compelling content. 

Brand Partnerships

Facebook supports in-stream ads and featured links you can use to create brand partnerships and get paid to promote products and services. You can place ads at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of your stream.  

How to Create a Facebook Live Account for Live Streaming

Live streaming to Facebook is easy once you have an account. If you have a Facebook account, you can start a stream right away by clicking the Live video button from the top of your newsfeed, profile page, or Facebook business page. Follow the steps below to create a Facebook account you can use to go live if you don’t already have one. 

Step 1: Navigate to

Step 2: Provide your name, email address or phone number, date of birth, and gender. Create a password.

Facebook sign up.

Step 3: Click the Sign Up button.

Step 4: Confirm the email or phone number you provided to finish creating your account.

What Equipment Is Needed to Stream on Facebook Live?

The equipment you need to start streaming on Facebook depends on the type of content you wish to create. All you really need to get started is a phone with a camera or a desktop or laptop with a webcam. If you’re a gamer and want to stream your gaming sessions, you’ll also need a camera card to connect your console to your computer to go live on Facebook.  

Choose Your Streaming Device: A Computer, Smartphone, or Console

The first step to streaming on Facebook is choosing where to stream. This will affect the type of content you can create. Mobile streaming provides more flexibility than streaming from a desktop. But, you can produce better content on a desktop by creating a controlled studio environment and using streaming software. If you want to stream gaming content, your console will be your primary device. 

How to Choose a Good Streaming Computer

You’ll want to make sure to invest in a quality system if you plan to stream from a desktop computer. Facebook supports streaming from Macs and PCs, so the operating system you choose doesn’t make any difference. Below are some of the specifications to pay attention to when choosing a computer for creating live streaming video content.


Your computer’s processor will determine how quickly it runs and accesses system resources for your live stream. A more up-to-date processor will enable you to stream faster and will prevent video and audio quality issues. For consistent video quality, make sure the system you choose has at least an i7 processor.

Graphics Card and GPU

Your system’s graphics card will have a huge impact on the quality of your live stream. Better quality graphic cards with high GPU speeds will let you seamlessly deliver HD-quality video to your audience. Get a system with a graphics card with at least 4-12 GB of VRAM.  


The more RAM your system has, the more resources it has to run your Facebook Live stream smoothly in high quality. When choosing a system, make sure it has at least 8GB of RAM. A streaming setup with one camera streaming at 1080p can require 8-16GB of RAM and a more complex setup may require anywhere from 16 to 32GB.   

Inputs and Outputs 

The type of setup you have for your streaming studio will determine the inputs and outputs you need on your computer. If you’re using external cameras, microphones, headphones, or other equipment like audio mixers, be sure you have all of the ports you need. 


Choosing the camera or cameras for your content is one of the most important decisions you’ll make because it’ll have a huge impact on the quality of your content. Do plenty of research to find the camera that best fits your needs and budget. Pay close attention to the camera specs to be sure you’ll be able to stream content in HD


Your microphone will determine your stream’s audio quality. Gain an understanding of microphone polar patterns and know your recording environment to get the most out of the acoustics of your space. USB mics are an easy plug-and-go option if you’re looking for something simple for your streaming setup. 


A good pair of headphones will let you monitor the quality of your live stream. If you don’t have a big budget for purchasing equipment, you can use any pair of headphones to listen to the general quality of your stream. Investing in a better pair of headphones with a wider frequency range will let you pick up on small quality issues you won’t be able to hear with normal headphones. 

Desktop Software

Facebook Live integrates with streaming software so you can add production value to your content. Desktop software for streaming lets you add filters, produce intros and outros, add music, and customize your stream in many other ways. Many software programs have built-in video editing and sharing features: You can do everything for your stream all in one place. We recommend investing in a solid streaming software program to help create content that stands out. 

A Good Internet Connection

You can’t stream content on Facebook without a reliable internet connection. Facebook recommends that you have upload speeds of at least 4 Mbps to stream on the platform. The higher the resolution you want to stream in, the more Mbps you’ll need in your connection’s upload speed. 

Which Software to use for Live Streaming on Facebook

Facebook easily integrates with streaming software so you can customize your streams and increase your content’s production value. Not all streaming software is the same, so you should pay special attention to a software’s features to find the one that best suits your unique needs. Below, we’ll highlight our picks for the best streaming software for podcasters, gamers, and streaming beginners.  

Riverside is perfect if you’re looking for a streaming software for your live vodcast, especially if it involves remote guests. The platform lets you create content in crystal clear 4K and has a text-based video editor which makes creating professional content as easy as editing a text document. You can multistream to numerous platforms and easily get your content online and in front of your audience. The platform’s Producer Mode lets you interact with guests and co-hosts without your live audience knowing.’s automated transcription feature gives you great content for SEO and makes your streaming video available to a wider audience. 

Best Software for Podcasters has everything you need to launch a successful podcast and stream it on Facebook. Many individuals and businesses already rely on the software to operate their programs. The platform was created with podcasters in mind, but can be used for all sorts of remote video recordings. 

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xSplit GameCaster

xSplit GameCaster is a free software program gamers use to stream on Facebook. It’s optimized to work well with NVIDIA and AMD video cards so you don’t experience any lags during your stream. The program has built-in chat features to help you monitor live chats and stay engaged with your audience. The software is full of widgets that let you customize your display to share things like subscriber goals, display your chat on your stream, and more.   

Best Software for Gamers

GameCaster was built to make it easier for gamers to get their content live on streaming services. It supports all major capture cards and provides features and optimizations targeted specifically at gamers to improve the production quality of their streaming content. 


Open Broadcast Software is an open-source software encoder that’s free to use. Developers are constantly creating plug-ins you can use to customize your interface and content. OBS might take a minute to get the hang of, but it’s great for beginners because once you get the basics down, the sky’s the limit for what you can create. OBS provides a lot of opportunities for brand personalization. 

Best Software for Beginners

OBS is always free to use, so it’s good for a beginner with a small budget who may not want to invest a lot in streaming software upfront. The internet is full of helpful resources to help you learn how to get started with the software. 

How Do You Go Live on Facebook From a Desktop?

It’s easy to start broadcasting on Facebook using a Mac or PC and a webcam. Using the steps below, you can start streaming content on Facebook from your desktop in no time. 

Step 1: Open Facebook in a web browser on your computer.

Step 2: Click the Live video option next to the red camera icon at the top of your newsfeed.

The Live video button on Facebook.

Step 3: Grant permission for Facebook to access your system’s camera and microphone.

Step 4: Choose if you want your video source to be a webcam or streaming software through a stream key. 

Choosing between a camera or a stream key or a Facebook live.

Step 5: If you select webcam, you can view a preview of your webcam capture.

 If you select streaming software, copy your Facebook stream key and follow the prompts on your streaming software to connect it to Facebook.

Facebook Live Stream setup.

Step 6: Choose your audience, when you want to go live, and where to post your stream from the menu on the left of the screen. 

Choosing where and when to go Live on Facebook.

Step 7: Click Go Live to start your stream. 

How Do You Use Facebook Live from a Smartphone?

You can start streaming with just a couple of taps using your phone as a webcam and the Facebook app. Having the option to go live wherever you are from your phone grants you flexibility and expands the type of content you can create for your streams. 

How to Stream to Facebook Live from an iOS or Android device

Live streaming from Facebook is simple and all you need to get started is the Facebook mobile app. Below, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for how to stream on Facebook with an Android or iOS device.

Step 1: Open the Facebook App on your phone.

Step 2: In the new post field at the top of the screen tap the red camera icon that says Live

The Live button on the Facebook Mobile app.

Step 3: Grant Facebook permission to access your camera and microphone if this is your first time going live.   

Step 4: To adjust privacy and audience settings select the section where it says To: at the top of your screen.

Adjusting privacy settings for a Facebook live.

Choose whether your audience is Public, Private, Friends, or specific Friends

Privacy settings for a Facebook live from a mobile phone.

Step 5: Add a short description of your video and then tap Start Live Video when you’re ready. 

The Go Live button on the Facebook mobile app.

How to Go Live on Facebook From a Gaming Console

You can connect a video game console to Facebook to create gaming video content. Facebook supports streaming for any console with an HDMI port with the help of a capture card. Do a little research before purchasing a capture card to ensure it supports live streaming in high quality.    

How to Stream to Facebook Live From Xbox, PS4, or Nintendo Switch

Facebook allows users to stream gaming sessions directly from an Xbox, PS4, or Nintendo Switch using third-party broadcast software. Follow the below instructions for how to go live on Facebook from a gaming console using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). 

Step 1: Purchase a capture card and connect it to your desktop computer.

Step 2: Install the software included with your capture card

Step 3: Connect your console and computer with an HDMI cord.

Step 4: Use another HDMI cord to connect your capture card to a monitor or TV. 

Step 5: Download OBS and open the program. 

Step 6: Create a scene in OBS: right click the Scenes box, then choose Add, name your scene, and then click OK

Step 7: Select your scene and right click inside the Sources box.

Step 8: Choose Add and then select Capture Card as your source.

Step 9: Click Go Live

5 Tips to Optimize Your Facebook Live Streams and Gain an Audience

You can take steps to improve the performance of your live stream and grow your viewership. Anyone can go live on Facebook in just a couple of clicks. Use these five tips to create compelling content that will keep viewers coming back for more. 

1. Create Your Content Wisely

Even if you don’t have every word of what you’ll say during a live stream written down, you should have a plan for your content. Make sure your stream won’t violate any of the Facebook community standards when it comes to what you say and the images you present. Use a quality camera so your video is clear and pay attention to the length of your stream. 

2. Promote Your Live Stream

Make sure your followers know when you're going to go live and give them plenty of time to join your stream. You can schedule a live broadcast on Facebook so your followers can set notifications to remind them to tune in. You can also post messages on your page in the days and hours leading up to your stream to serve as reminders and spread awareness.

3. Always Check Your Connection

You should always test your internet connection before starting a live stream. A bad connection can mean poor quality content and you could lose viewers if your stream is laggy and hard to watch. Make sure everything is running smoothly to prevent disruptions to your stream. 

4. Stick to a Schedule

It’s easier for viewers to tune in if you consistently post at a designated time. You can use live poll features, Facebook groups, or Facebook analytics to help determine the best time to stream your content. Try to stick to a schedule that’s best for the majority of your audience.   

5. Entertain and Engage Your Audience

Remember that people want to be entertained. Develop topics for your streams, invite guests, and interact with viewers to keep your content fresh. Facebook Live provides engagement tools so you can easily connect with your audience. Ask questions with live polls, engage top supporters with the front row feature, and encourage followers to earn badges by interacting with your content. 

Use Facebook Live From Any Device

Facebook live provides creators with the opportunity to get their streaming content to audiences across the globe. Facebook supports streaming from desktops, smartphones, and gaming consoles, which is part of the reason it's home to such a variety of content. The platform has many opportunities to monetize streaming content and gives you engagement tools to build relationships with your viewers and create and grow a following.

Facebook Live Streaming FAQs

Do you still have questions about how to live stream on Facebook on a mobile device, desktop, or other platforms? Keep reading for answers to common questions about live streaming on Facebook and to learn how to troubleshoot common issues. 

Does it Cost Money to Stream on Facebook Live?

It does not cost any money to live stream on Facebook. However, you can purchase Facebook ads if you want to promote your stream on the platform. These ads can be used to attract an audience and grow your viewership. 

How Do You Go Live on Facebook With a PC?

If you have a live Facebook profile, you can stream live by clicking the Live video button located at the top of your newsfeed. You can use a webcam or streaming software to go live from your PC. Use the step-by-step instructions in the above section to start streaming. 

How Can Two People Go Live on Facebook at the Same Time?

You have a couple of options if you want to go live on Facebook with two people: use video conferencing software like Zoom, run a streaming software program like Open Broadcast Software (OBS), start a video call using Messenger Rooms, or use Facebook’s Live With feature to invite guests to your live stream using the Facebook app on a mobile device. 

Follow these steps to invite a guest to your live stream with the Facebook Live With feature:

Step 1: Scroll to the top of your Facebook Page.

Step 2: Tap the Live icon under Create a Post.

Step 3: Select Start Live Video.

Step 4: Select the person icon from the bar at the bottom.

Step 5: In the Your Viewers menu, turn on accept Guest Requests. 

Step 6: Approve the request of the guest you want to join your stream.  

Where Did the Live Button Go on Facebook?

You can find the Live video button at the top of your newsfeed on both the Facebook homepage of the website and the mobile app. 

How Do I Add Guests to Facebook Live 2024?

Facebook provides a few different ways for you to go live with multiple participants. You can live stream from a video conferencing program like Skype, start a stream using streaming software like Riverside, use the video call feature of Messenger Rooms, or invite a viewer to your stream with Facebook’s Live With feature.  

How Do You Go Live on Facebook 2024?

You can go live by selecting the Live Video option at the top of your newsfeed from the homepage of the Facebook mobile app or website. 

Can You Go Live on Facebook With a Friend?

You can Go Live on Facebook with a friend using the video call feature in Messenger Rooms. Video calls support up to 50 people, so you can go live with more than one friend at a time. You must be the creator of a Messenger Room and running the program from a desktop or laptop with a Google Chrome web browser to live stream from a room. Be aware that Facebook Live Producer features can’t be used on video calls started via Messenger Rooms.

Follow these steps to go live via Messenger Rooms from your desktop: 

Step 1: Open Messenger Rooms.

Step 2: Click the Live button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 3: Give your video a title. 

Step 4: Select if you’d like to broadcast to your timeline, a Facebook page you manage, or in a Facebook group.

Step 5: Choose who your audience is.

Step 6: Click on Next.

Step 7: Participants have to confirm for the stream to go live before you can start broadcasting. The creator of the room can kick out non-responsive participants so the stream can start. 

Step 8: Click Start. 

Why Don't I Have the Go Live Option on Facebook?

Make sure you’re using the most up-to-date version of the app and accessing Facebook from a browser that supports live streaming if you’re having trouble going live. Also, confirm that your account doesn’t have any restrictions placed on it for things like violating Facebook’s terms of service.  

How Do I Activate Live on Facebook?

You don’t have to complete any sort of special activation to begin streaming live on Facebook. Simply click or tap the Live video option at the top of your newsfeed on a desktop or mobile device. Follow the instructions in the above sections for how to stream on Facebook from any device. 

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