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How to Start a Vlog: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Learn how to start a vlog with our step-by-step guide. From choosing your niche, equipment and recording, we'll show you the best way to start a vlog.
Kendall Breitman
Social Media & Community Expert
Last Updated:
October 15, 2024
Reviewed by
Ortal Hadad

Key takeaways:

  • Vlogs come in many styles, but they all focus on authentic, natural storytelling.
  • Before starting your vlog, research your audience, niche, topics, and distribution channels to define your unique value.
  • Invest in high-quality equipment, reliable hardware, and professional recording and editing software as you grow.
  • Maintain a consistent publishing schedule without sacrificing quality for quantity.
  • Promote your vlog by collaborating with other creators, optimizing for SEO, and turning longer videos into short clips to reach broader audiences.

Vlogs are one of the many avenues you might explore as a video content creator. They’re relatively simple to make but can also be highly engaging and deeply personal. 

Let’s take a look at what vlogging is, what it takes to succeed, and how to get started.

How to start a vlog: 7 steps

The biggest difference between a vlog and traditional video content is their storytelling approach. 

Vlogs are rarely scripted and almost universally focus on authenticity, natural storytelling, and personal expression. You connect with your audience directly.

But let’s be honest: there’s no “secret formula” or foolproof tutorial for creating a successful vlog. Since vlogs center around your own experiences, their success ultimately depends on your ability to engage and entertain your audience.

However, we can provide some steps to give you a great start.

Let’s explore what the first steps in your vlogging adventure might look like.

Step 1: Decide what your vlog is going to be about

Your vlog will be centered around you, what you do, and how you do it. So first, you need to decide on your content focus. 

Choosing a niche

One option is to start by choosing your niche. Maybe you’re into sports, video games, or travel. Go as specific as you can. For example, what specific video games would you cover? Or, if you want to cover traveling, what about traveling on a budget? 

Make sure you choose something you can pour your heart and soul into and genuinely enjoy doing. It doesn’t matter if it’s a seemingly small or less popular niche. 

Just look at creators like Shadiversity, whose vlog is focused largely on swords (yes, swords!). Successful creators like this prove beyond a doubt that the more passion you put into what you do, the better your content will be. Passion makes your vlog feel authentic, engaging, and relatable to viewers.

Vlog niche example

Choosing a vlog format

Another option is to look at your format. For example:

  • Do you want to teach people how to improve in a specific skill?
  • Do you want to do mini vlog challenges?
  • Do you just want to talk about interesting topics?

Whatever your choice, remember that what will make your vlog stand out is the passion you bring to it.

Step 2: Outline your vlog’s distinctive identity

After deciding the “what” of your vlog, it’s time to define the “how” - as in, “how am I going to tell my stories?” 

Outlining your branding and your identity largely depends on two factors: 

  • Your target audience’s preferences
  • Your natural storytelling style.

Are you naturally funny, or do you lean more toward precision and detailed explanations? What demographics will make up your audience (age, gender, location)?

You should build your vlog around your strengths and consider what your audience expects. That said, you have plenty of creative freedom, and thinking outside the box can set you apart. 

For example, Crazy Greapa is a popular YouTube vlogger who creates funny and light-hearted content while imbuing it with weird, creepy vibes. There’s no one else like him - and you can bet that his unique style has become his major selling point.

Crazy Greapa as an example of vlog brand

Step 3: Decide where your vlog fits into your strategy

Do you want your vlogs to be the sole focal point of your audience’s attention, or should they simply complement an existing content strategy?

Some content creators focus almost exclusively on vlogging, occasionally producing documentaries or scripted videos for variety. One such example is Jesse Enkamp, known as “The Karate Nerd,” with his vlogs about martial arts training and experimentation. 

Including vlogging in your YouTube strategy

Other creators prefer to run their vlogs as a complement to other work they’re doing. For example, Adam King, Rowan Bettjeman, and Alan Morrison, the 3 iconic stars of the exhilarating Viva La Dirt League sketch comedy channel, each have their own private gaming vlogs on Twitch.

Step 4: Choose your distribution channel

Before sitting down at the creative table, you should first choose the main channel where your vlog will be published to.

It’s better to know this upfront because it can impact what formats will be best for you. For example, TikTok dimensions requirements are different compared to a YouTube video. Also, if you’re streaming on Instagram Live or Twitch, your video will be public without any initial editing.

While you may eventually want to expand across multiple platforms, you need to start somewhere. And your initial choice will probably define your vlog identity for a long, long time.

Choosing the right distribution channel for your vlog depends on many factors, including the length of your videos, the style, and your ideal audience. Here is a breakdown of the most popular platforms for a vlog:

  • YouTube: A solid all-around platform suitable for all niches and ages, offering some of the best monetization options.
  • Twitch: Perfect for gaming content and live streaming, with a strong focus on building your own community.
  • Facebook Live: Great for IRL (in real life) content, comic skits, and family-oriented material. Has an older demographic compared to the other platforms.
  • Instagram Live: Preferred by millennials and lifestyle enthusiasts, it’s ideal for visually-driven content focusing on cooking, traveling or pets.
  • TikTok: Great for short-form, catchy videos targeting Gen Zs and other young people.
Vlog distribution platforms

Step 5: Invest in quality equipment and software

No one wants to watch blurry, low-res videos with muffled sound these days. Crafting engaging vlogs requires delivering the best video and audio quality you can afford. 

Vlog equipment setup

You don’t need to invest in the most expensive gear for good quality results. Start with these filmmaking equipment essentials:

  • A microphone. We suggest choosing a wireless mic for recording on the go or a studio mic if you have a fixed setup.
  • Camera: Choose a DSLR, videocam or smartphone camera with at least 1080p resolution. Check our YouTube cameras for suggestions.
  • Recording device: You can use a laptop, computer, tablet, or phone to record with.

Extra equipment might include a tripod for stabilization, adequate lighting gear, and perhaps a green screen.

Vlog recording software

Hardware is only half the equation, though. Choosing the right software is just as essential to keep your quality as high as possible both during recording and post-production. 

Recording a vlog on Riverside

With Riverside, you can record polished, professional-looking content, and easily edit it with our AI-powered tools. 

Here are just a few of the benefits that Riverside brings to the table:

  • Polished and professional content: Record your vlog in studio-quality in up to 4K video and 48 kHz audio.
  • Local recording: Get a high-quality recording every time, regardless of your internet connection.
  • Multi-track recording and editing: Record separate audio and video tracks for maximum control in the editing process.
  • Automatic captions and summaries: Generate automatic transcriptions of your videos, add captions, and get summaries with descriptions, timestamped chapters, and titles. 
  • Text-based editor: Edit your video as easily as you would a text document - cut, trim, and modify directly through the transcript.
  • Magic Audio tools: Automatically improve audio by normalizing levels, removing background noise, and even cutting out filler words with just a few clicks.
  • Live Producer tools: Record with your phone as a secondary camera, share your screen, and add media in real-time for dynamic, engaging content.
  • Brand customization: Add your logo, custom backgrounds, and branded elements.
  • Remote guest recording: Collaborate with up to 10 participants from anywhere.

Step 6: Set up high-quality recording conditions

Once you've got your tech stack sorted, it’s time to start recording. 

Take time to perfect your setup. 

Find the ideal location

Choose a quiet location to avoid unwanted background sounds like alarms, conversations, or other disruptions. 

If you're filming outdoors, always check weather forecasts to prevent unexpected interruptions. (And, if some background noise does sneak into your recording, Riverside’s powerful editing tools can help you remove it in one click.)

If you’re recording at home, choose a space with soft furniture. This tends to absorb echo better.

Once you’ve got a spot, find a comfortable recording position and experiment with different angles and ways to frame the shot. 

Vlog recording setup

Setting up the right lighting and equipment

Next, you want to setup your equipment. This looks different if you’re recording on the go versus in a fixed location.

Make sure everything is connected properly and that all hardware works in sync together. 

As a rule of thumb, always ensure your main light source is in front of you and behind your camera. If you’ve got the budget, you can set up a full 3-point lighting layout.

Check out our video lighting guide for a full walkthrough on what you need.

Start recording

Once you’re all set, you can record. We highly recommend doing a test run before your final take. If you can it’s also a good idea to wear headphones so you know exactly what your sounds like live, allowing you to fix anything on the spot.

Step 7: Edit your vlog content to perfection

Before publishing your vlog content on any platform, it must be polished to perfection. Never sacrifice quality for quantity. 

We’ve got a full guide on how to edit videos, but for starters:

  • Trim out any unnecessary footage.
  • Segment your video into clips and create a narrative with this.
  • Fine-tune your audio by removing background noise and normalizing volume levels.
  • Add visual elements like captions, overlays, and a logo.

To simplify the process, you can work with an editor like Riverside. 

Editing a vlog on Riverside

Riverside can make striking that balance easier thanks to its streamlined workflow and time-saving editing tools. Use the text-based editor to trim and cut your video as easily as editing a document. Or let AI enhance audio quality, remove awkward pauses, and eliminate filler words with just a click. When you're satisfied, export your polished content in raw, uncompressed quality to ensure your final product is top-notch.

Step 8: Publish your vlog online

Now that your vlog is edited and ready to go, it’s time to share it! 

For the best reach, we suggest you do the following when uploading:

  • Optimize your title and description: Use catchy titles and descriptions that include keywords so your vlog is easier to find. (You can do this automatically with our AI summaries).
  • Create an eye-catching thumbnail: Your thumbnail is the first thing people see. Make sure it pops out, creates intrigue, and shows your brand.
  • Add tags and categories: Help platforms understand your content by adding tags and placing your vlog in the right category. This improves discoverability.

It’s also a good idea to promote your vlog on other social media platforms. 

Once your vlog is live, it’s time to engage with your audience, respond to comments, and start building your vlogging community!

How to promote your vlog: 6 tips for success

Your vlog is finally live! While you deserve to feel proud of your creation, the next step is ensuring it reaches enough people. 

Here are some strategies you can use to promote your vlog and grow your following:

Maintain a consistent publishing schedule

As we mentioned earlier, in the world of vlogging, quantity matters. You want to produce a lot of content, but you also want to keep your quality and publishing cadence consistent. 

A smart way to maintain quality and consistency is to batch-produce multiple vlog episodes in advance. This approach allows you to optimize your production schedule, reduce setup and breakdown time, and streamline the post-production process. Once your batch is ready and scheduled, you can take your time analyzing your audience feedback and plan your next round of vlogs without pressure.

Keep it authentic (and don’t sell your soul)

Avoid the temptation to quickly turn into an influencer promoting products or services unless you genuinely believe in their value. Quick profits might be tempting, but compromising your authenticity as your channel grows can damage your credibility and audience trust in the long run.

One of the main reasons viewers choose vlogs over traditional content is their authenticity. Your audience craves genuine, unscripted moments rather than stilted, overly scripted videos. And they definitely don’t want flashy content that feels like thinly veiled advertisements

And don’t feel pressured to present a “perfect” image of yourself at all times. In fact, some of the best vloggers show their flaws and vulnerabilities. Just look at Ali Abdaal. This business and productivity vlogger shares strategies for success - as well as his own failures. That’s what makes him relatable and compelling.

Ali Abdaal's authentic vlog

Engage with your audience

A fundamental part of your vlogging experience is establishing two-way communication with your viewers. 

Take time to engage with your fans: answer their questions, respond to private messages, reply to their comments, and acknowledge their feedback. And always approach interactions in a positive, non-confrontational manner, even when handling negative feedback. 

You can also encourage your audience to share your content through contests, giveaways, or other meaningful rewards that strengthen your bond with them. For example, instead of just giving them money or a video game, offer personal interviews, event tickets, or branded merchandise.

Collaborate with fellow vloggers

When you team up with fellow vloggers, their audience becomes your potential audience too (and vice-versa). But the benefits extend far beyond just expanding your viewership and leveraging their advertising efforts.

Working alongside another vlogger offers a valuable learning experience, helping you enhance both your content quality and marketing strategies. You can learn from their techniques, compare approaches, and gain valuable insights into how platform algorithms work. 

Plus, you show the world that you're not just competing with others in your niche. Instead, you're portraying yourself as approachable and community-minded, traits that can significantly enhance your image and appeal.

Optimize your vlog content for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to a series of techniques aimed at increasing the discoverability of your content across different platforms. 

Seemingly small details like video titles, tags, descriptions, and thumbnails are analyzed by platform algorithms to understand your content. These elements are then used to recommend your channel and videos to potential viewers who are likely to be interested in your content.

Effective SEO involves optimizing these details by leveraging trending keywords and ensuring your tags and descriptions align with your audience’s interests. Tools like Riverside's AI transcription can simplify this process by automatically transcribing your content to generate chapters and timestamps, allowing you to insert more high-traffic keywords and enhance your discoverability.

Break your videos into short clips

Short clips are one of the best ways to attract new viewers and give them a taste of your content without overwhelming them. They’re also perfect for sharing across platforms that favor short-form content, like TikTok or Instagram.

With Riverside, you can turn the best moments of your recordings into social growth in a matter of seconds. The AI-powered Magic Clips feature automatically identifies and highlights the best parts of your recording, then automatically creates short clips in seconds. 

Final thoughts

Starting a vlog from scratch may seem daunting at first, but remember that the bigger the goal, the greater the satisfaction when you achieve it. Whether your motivation is to monetize, express yourself, or connect with new people, creating a vlog can be an exciting and life-changing experience.

There's no secret formula for instant success - growing an audience takes patience, consistency, and effort. Take time to plan your approach, but don't forget the most important thing: stay true to yourself throughout this extraordinary journey.

FAQs on how to start a vlog

Still need more information? Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.

Do vloggers make money?

Sure, there are plenty of ways to earn money by vlogging, but you need to be quite successful to make a living from it. Vloggers can generate income through various monetization methods, including ad revenue, brand sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and merchandise sales. The income largely depends on your audience size, niche, platform, and geographical location. You can check out our post on how to make money on YouTube to learn more.

How long should my vlog episodes be?

The ideal length for vlog episodes mostly depends on the platform you’re using and your target audience’s preferences. Shorter videos (1-3 minutes) tend to perform well on platforms like TikTok or Instagram. Longer videos (5 to 20 minutes) work better on YouTube or Twitch. 

Short content is great for casual viewers, while longer episodes are ideal for in-depth discussions or storytelling. The key is to keep your content engaging and concise, delivering value without padding it with unnecessary filler.

How to start a vlog for free?

Starting a vlog for free is entirely possible. Most social media platforms (YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, etc.) do not charge for publishing, so you can create a free account and start uploading your content. Begin by recording with your smartphone’s camera in natural lighting, and edit your content using the free tools available with a Riverside account.

What to say when you start a vlog?

Say whatever makes you feel comfortable and at ease. You want to come across as relaxed, authentic, and natural. If it helps, you can briefly introduce yourself and explain what your vlog is about, whether it's your expertise, hobbies, or daily life. Whatever you choose to say, ensure you share your passion with your audience and give them a reason to stay and watch more.

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