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The Best Podcast Creator Apps to Start Your Very Own Podcast

An app can make the podcast creation process fast and easy, and it's cheaper than renting studio time. Learn all about the top podcast creator apps here.
Riverside team
Last Updated:
September 27, 2021
Reviewed by
Ortal Hadad

An app can make the podcast creation process fast and easy, and it's cheaper than renting studio time. Learn all about the top podcast creator apps here.

Starting a podcast may sound like a big deal, but it doesn’t have to be. Contrary to common belief, you don’t need a big budget or a professional studio to produce an engaging and top-quality podcast. Plus, with a podcasting app, you can actually record your podcast wherever and whenever you want. And no, that doesn’t mean you’ll be compromising quality. With the iOS app, you can produce a podcast in full HD straight from your iPhone. Sounds almost too good to be true, right?! 

Why Start A Podcast?

Diversify your business or brand 

If you’ve got an established business, brand, or online presence, podcasting is a great way to branch out and harness the power of a new platform. You can showcase your product or service in a new, engaging way, amp up your digital marketing, and give industry insights that’ll get your audience hooked. 

Build and connect with your audience 

Podcasting helps you reach new audiences and connect more intimately with your existing followers. Through podcasting, you’ll reach a whole different range of people who may never have come across you before. Plus, for existing fans, hearing you speak and share your ideas is really special. Podcasting is an interactive, personal, and engaging medium that will help you capitalize on what you have to say. 

Share your ideas (and monetize them) 

Got a big idea? Got something to say? Podcasting is for you. Share your perspectives and insights through podcasting, and connect with like-minded listeners. You never know, you may wind up building a whole community or even monetizing your podcast. 

Why not? 

Starting a podcast is easy, fun, and inexpensive, so why wouldn’t you start a podcast? The way we see it, there’s nothing to lose. Trust us, podcasting is an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable process. Your podcast can be as big, small, low-key or all-out as you want it to be. Plus it’s almost too easy with the app to just give it a go. 

How To Create A Podcast With No Equipment (or money)

You need next to nothing to start a podcast - yes, seriously. Here’s how to create a podcast with no equipment (or money). 

Finalize your podcast idea 

One thing’s for sure, you need a basic idea of what you’re going to be recording. You may feel confident recording on the fly, but it’s always better to go in with a plan. 

Start recording 

There are lots of different ways to record your podcast. If you’ve already got an Apple device, you could start recording using Garageband which comes free. Or, if you’re really strapped for cash you could just use your phone. Download a podcast creator app or simply use the voice notes recording app. It’s really that easy. 

Podcast Creator Software

Podcast creator software is designed with podcasters in mind. That means it’s optimized to help you record a podcast quickly and effectively - no messing around. They’re often free or very affordable. 

How To Create An Audio Podcast with recording software

Using podcast creator software (such as means producing an audio podcast is super straightforward. If you’re recording solo, simply start recording until you’re content. When you wrap up, either export your recording ready for publication to major listening platforms or for editing in post-production. If you’re planning on recording with guests or additional hosts, things get a little bit more complicated. Read about why thinking about your podcasting setup is so important in our guide. 

How To Create A Video Podcast with recording software 

Creating a video podcast is no more complicated than recording an audio-only one. You’ve just got the added visual element, but that’s no biggie. With, for example, video podcasting is a given. Simply check you’re happy with your appearance, and start recording. All you need is the in-built webcam on your computer - no additional cost. 

How Do Podcast Creator Apps Work?

Podcasting creator apps are not that different to recording software, they’re just designed for your phone. In fact, this makes them incredibly convenient because you can record whenever, wherever, and with whomever you like. 

How To Use A Podcast Creator App

There’s really not that much to it. Open your podcast creator app and start recording. Some apps will have an in-built (albeit primitive) editing function as well, so you can fine-tune your recording once you’ve finished. 

With the app, you simply have to follow the invite link to the recording studio that will automatically open your app. 

Note, the app is currently only optimized for the guest flow. 

What Can I Do With Podcast Apps?

You may feel that recording with your phone equates to sacrificing valuable quality or functionality. Although we don’t blame you for worrying, that’s simply not the case. 

Record studio-quality audio and video with the right app.

Although not all podcast apps are equal, you shouldn’t be losing out on any quality just because you’re using an app. Using the app you can record a studio-quality podcast in full HD straight from your iPhone. No quality lost. 

Invite guests to join your show from anywhere

Recording with a podcasting app is incredibly liberating. You can record whenever you want, even if you’re on the go. Plus, if you’re including remote and far-flung guests in your podcast, a podcast app gives your participants the freedom to join your recording session from their phone. 

Live-stream to Youtube, Facebook, etc. from anywhere

Live-streaming is a great way of involving a live audience in your recording session. Even if you’re recording from your phone, you can still stream to all the major platforms with no problem. 

Edit your podcast in minutes, not hours

Some podcasters simply don’t have the time to give to post-production, and that’s understandable. Editing can be a long and arduous process. Luckily, many podcaster apps have some editing tools built-in, so you can fiddle with your recording in the app.’s Magic Editor makes the editing process seamless and efficient, saving you time and creating a professional standard podcast all from one place. 

What to Look for in Podcast Creator apps

With the wide array of podcast creator apps out there, it can be hard to find your bearings and choose the right one for you. Here’s what to look for: 

Local vs. Wifi recording 

You want a podcasting app that records locally. This is a huge consideration and should not be overlooked. By nature, recording from your phone probably means you’ll be on the move or at least not in your usual recording location. If your podcast creator app relies on strong Wifi to record, the likelihood is you’ll be left with a lacklustre recording with subpar quality and dropouts. You should be looking for a podcast creator app that locally records, so that wherever you are, and however strong your Wifi, you get a studio-quality recording every single time. 


Look for a user-friendly and intuitive interface. There should be no steep learning curve or difficulty of use, a podcast creator app should be simple and effective. End of story. 

Live-streaming features / capabilities

Livestreaming allows you to include your audience in your recording. And although you may not want to livestream every time you record, it’s good to have the option. 

iOs, android, or both

This comes down to personal preference and circumstances. If you (and your guests) all have iPhones, an iOS app will do the trick. If you’ve got a mix of devices, look for an app that works across both. 

Top 5 Podcast Creator Apps


  • Record HD audio and video podcasts straight from your iPhone 
  • Local recording so your recording is unaffected by weak Wifi
  • Separate recording tracks for each participant that gives you more freedom during post-production  
  • 4K video and high-quality audio every time 
  • Uncompressed, lossless file formats that preserve the integrity of your recording 
  • Automatic progressive upload to save you time and reduce risk of data-loss 
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use.’s app is built with the user in mind, so your workflow is seamless. 
  • Record with remote guests. Remote recording is made easy with the app. 
  • Can record with guests using a mix of computers and iPhones. It’s likely that you’ll be recording with a mix of people in a range of different recording spaces - some will be joining from their computers and others from their phones. That’s no problem. 


  • Currently only optimized for guest flow, so you cannot host your podcast from your iPhone at the moment
  • Only works on iPhone, so Android users lose out 

Read all about the app here 



  • Record, edit, host and distribute your podcast all from one place 
  • Intuitive user-interface that makes it easy to record and rearrange segments 
  • Built-in audio library, so you can add background music, transitions and sound effects 
  • Design your podcast cover art straight from the app 
  • Podcast analytics and insights, look at how your podcast is performing and what your listeners are liking straight from the app 
  • Record with multiple guests from wherever they are 
  • Free to use, for podcasters on a tight budget this is a great option


  • Low-quality recording file formats, records M4A file formats which are lackluster compared to lossless formats such as WAV. 
  • Basic editing functionality, though it’s nice to be able to edit from the app, the tools and editing suite are actually pretty clunky. 
  • To host a multi-person podcast, you need to be using your phones. Anchor doesn’t allow you to host a session from your computer with guests joining from their phones. 
  • You can’t livestream from the Anchor app. So you miss out on the power of live podcasting. 
  • Cannot record video podcasts using the Anchor app. 
  • Singletrack recording, so all your participants’ audio is collated onto a single track. 
  • Wifi dependent recording that leaves your recording at the mercy of your internet connection. 



  • Well-known, household name that’s easy to use. Everyone knows what Zoom is and how to use it. 
  • Record audio and video podcasts easily. 
  • Affordable for podcasters with smaller budgets 
  • Works on both Android and iOS 
  • Record with remote guests 


  • Wifi-dependent recording leaves you with a sub-par recording.  
  • Singletrack recording, all your participants’ audio and video are saved onto a single track. 
  • Low-quality file formats. Zoom automatically saves your recording as m4a and Mp4 
  • Not optimized for podcasting so the whole recording process is pretty clumsy 
  • No in-built editing functionality, so if you want to edit your podcast you’ll need to use a separate editing suite. 

Spreaker Studio


  • Record and publish your podcast all from the Spreaker Studio app 
  • Upload and distribute your podcast to major platforms straight from the app. 
  • Monetize your podcast from the app
  • Analyze your podcast’s performance and stats from the app 
  • Built-in editing features such as auto-ducking and mic control 
  • Live podcast and include your audience in your recording 


  • Podcasting with remote guests is not integrated. If you want to include international participants, Spreaker connects with them through Skype. Like Zoom, Skype produces low-quality recordings that are susceptible to bad Wifi. 

Podbean’s Podcast Studio 


  • Affordable, good for podcasters on a budget 
  • Built-in soundboard with music and background tracks 
  • Record with remote guests using the live stream function 
  • Live stream to an audience using ‘Public Mode’ 
  • User-friendly and easy to use 


  • Limited in-app editing functions, you can trim and crop your audio and mix in sound effects, but that’s about it. 
  • Low-quality file format, your audio is saved as MP3 
  • Cannot record video podcasts 

Best All-Around Podcast Creator app:

As you can see, there is a wide range of podcast creator apps out there with a variety of offerings. One thing is for sure though,’s iOS app is the best all-rounder application for any and every podcaster. 

You cannot fault its ability to record full HD, studio-quality podcasts from your iPhone. It’s just like having a whole recording studio right in your pocket. 

How To Create A Podcast On An iPhone using

Remember, since the app currently only supports guest flows, as the host your workflow is the same as always from the browser. 

Host Workflow 

  1. Login to your browser dashboard 
  2. If you haven’t already, create your recording studio 
  3. On the day, enter your recording studio 
  4. Share the invite link with your guests 
  5. Once everyone has joined the studio, enjoy the recording 
  6. Think about using the integrated Media Board to live mix your podcast 

Guest Workflow

  1. Download the app from the App Store
  2. Click on the invite link shared with them by the host 
  3. The link will automatically open the app 
  4. Give the app permission to access your microphone and camera
  5. Enter the studio and start recording 

After recording 

Once you’re happy, wrap things up. Your recording automatically progressively uploads during your recording session and you’ll find your files in your dashboard after a few minutes. You can edit and optimize your recording using our Magic Editor to save time during post, and automatically transcribe your podcast too. 

Note: Your guests may need to keep their app open to ensure their upload completes properly. 

Read about recording your podcast from an iPhone in our guide 

How to Start a Podcast on Android

Unfortunately,’s app isn’t currently for Android devices. Never fear however, Android users can still get in on the podcasting action. 


You can record your podcast with an Android device using the Zoom app. Unfortunately, you probably won’t get a studio-quality recording given Zoom’s reliance on a strong internet connection, but it’ll do the trick. 

  1. Download the Zoom app from the Google Play store
  2. Start a Zoom meeting and share the invite link with your participants 
  3. They may have to make an account or download the Zoom application to join your meeting 
  4. When everyone has joined the call, press record
  5. At the end of the session, wait for your recording to process and download. Depending on the length of your session, this can take a while. 


Anchor is a great and dynamic option for Android users. Although for podcasters looking to produce a studio-quality video podcast, you’ll be disappointed. 

  1. Download the Anchor app from the Google Play store 
  2. Once you’re ready, click start recording then click ‘invite friends to join’ 
  3. Your guests will receive an invitation link that’ll take them automatically to your recording studio 
  4. Once everybody is happy, start recording 
  5. At the end of your recording, edit your recording using Anchor’s in-built editing tools 
  6. Publish your episode straight from the app 

How Much Does A Podcast App Cost?

The great thing about podcast creator apps is that they are super affordable, so you get a lot of bang for your buck.’s iOS app is free to download from the app store, and free for guests to use. 

The basic subscription for is $7.5/month 


Free to download and use for iOS and Android. 


Zoom is free to download and use, though you’ll be constrained to group calls of 40 minutes on the basic tier. 

Spreaker Studio

Spreaker Studio operates on a tiered subscription model. The most basic plan is free. 


Podbean starts at $99/month for business 

Podcast creator app FAQ:

Can I create my own podcast?

Of course you can. With the browser and iOS apps, this is an absolute no-brainer. Believe in yourself, enjoy the podcasting process, and try it out - you never know, you might love it. 

How much does it cost to start a podcast?

It costs as much as you want it to. If you have a tight budget, you can start podcasting for next to nothing - only costs $7.5 per month. If you choose to make more of an investment in all your equipment and setup, then it might cost a bit more. It’s all about your personal preference and need. 

What is the best app to create a podcast?

Now, we may be a bit biased, but really is the top of the league. With the app, you can produce studio-quality full HD podcasts straight from your iPhone wherever you might find yourself. Plus, you don’t need to worry about dodgy connectivity, which is bound to be a problem when you’re connecting from your phone. 

Don’t just take it from us though, try it for yourself with our free trial. Trust us, you won’t look back. 

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Online podcast & video studio
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