What is hue?
Hue refers to the color or shade of an image, representing primary and secondary colors like red, blue, and green. Adjusting hue can change the overall color tone, helping achieve the desired visual mood in a video.
What does hue adjustment do?
Hue adjustment alters the overall color spectrum of your video, shifting one color towards another. This can help achieve a specific color mood or correct unwanted color casts. A color cast is a noticeable tint that affects an image, often in an undesirable way. This can happen when the white balance is off or light picks up color, such as when it reflects off a colored surface.
What is the hue setting?
The hue setting allows you to control the color tones of an image or video, letting you adjust each color on the spectrum to match your desired look.
What is the difference between hue and contrast?
Hue changes the actual colors, while contrast adjusts the difference between light and dark areas, enhancing shadows and highlights.
How to change the hue of your videos
Using video editing software, go to the color settings, and adjust the hue slider to change the video’s color tones as needed.