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Podcast: How Sweet Fish (Media Agency) produces successful podcasts for their clients

Learn how the leading podcast production agency Sweet Fish Media leverages to make their customers successful.

Case Studies

Sweet Fish Media

Media Production
Orlando, FL

Sweet Fish Media is a B2B podcast production agency that specializes in contact-based networking where it’s all about creating content with your ideal buyer instead of the mainstream approach of creating content for them.

For this case study, we spoke with Logan Lyles, VP of Customer Experience, who oversees the sales and post-sales team consisting of the content production team, the podcast talent team, and the customer success team of podcast producers.

Overview of services they provide

Podcasts produced by Sweet Fish Media are usually hosted by a host from the client’s team. From there, Sweet Fish Media handles all of their post-production, creates a lot of micro content from their podcast, coaches the host, and oftentimes book the guests for their show, but the hosts record their podcast themselves.

The big before

Over a year ago, Sweet Fish Media recommended their customers to just use Zoom for recording their podcasts. The primary reason they were recommending Zoom was the ease of use, the ubiquity of the platform, and capturing video that can be used to create microcontent.  
This all changed when an industry professional asked Logan if he’d heard of

“A colleague in the podcasting space said “Hey, have you checked out Riverside yet?” And I was like you know what's Riverside? And he said, well, they're really ahead of the game when it comes to capturing audio and video remotely. And so at that point, there weren't a whole lot of providers that were allowing you to capture separate tracks of audio, as well as separate high-quality tracks of video, and that was really what led us to experiment with Riverside.”
Logan Lyles
VP of Customer Experience | Sweet Fish Media

After experimenting with the platform, the team at Sweet Fish Media expanded the use of Riverside to their many customers.

In Riverside’s Teams plan, file uploading time is expedited. Logan says that this feature saves time spent on the intensive process of collating and downloading files before editing.

The effect

The value of has materialized in three ways for Sweet Fish Media and its customers. The first is creating higher quality content, which has elevated Sweet Fish Media’s brand awareness.

Riverside has allowed us to create better content which makes us look better as a B2B podcast agency, and it makes our customers’ shows look better.
Logan Lyles
VP Customer Experience | Sweet Fish Media

The second way Logan sees the effect is that his customers are quickly advancing as thought leaders in their fields as a result of elevated content. “They’re really investing in the quality of the audio and video that's coming from their show, which allows them to grow their audiences more, it allows them to establish more legitimacy as they use their podcast to position themselves as a thought leader, and it allows them to secure more and more guests.”

While higher quality content has helped Sweet Fish Media's clients, their production team is able to work more efficiently with the help of Riverside's shared team spaces and progressive uploads. On Riverside, all recordings upload as you record and are all saved in one place so your whole team can access what they need anytime. “This saves our producers in the post-production team a lot of time by being able to get files without having to rely on email and file transfer from our customers,” Logan said.

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The supporting metrics:

Sweet Fish Media managed to reduce its churn rate from over 15% to less than 3%. As well as making strategic investments, Logan said that the uptake of contributed to lowering churn.

“I do see Riverside as a component to helping us drive down churn because our customers have a better experience recording. They can get higher quality and they have a better experience with their producer because we've taken some of that file sending and transfer off from their plates as well,” Logan said.

What would be your advice to others considering using a product like Riverside?

For Logan, it’s Riverside’s unparalleled audio and video quality that sets it apart from other remote recording platforms.

“If the recording platform doesn't allow you to capture video in high-quality separate tracks the way that Riverside does, then you're missing out on a huge opportunity to create microcontent Youtube content and other video content from your podcast,” he said.

Riverside is the platform for every content creator for industry professionals who are after an easy, intuitive platform with professional quality audio and video is the platform for every content creator.

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