Recorded on
May 31, 2023 1:00 PM

Produce higher-quality guest interviews

Join Kendall and Stephen from our team and learn about how to produce more professional, high-quality, and engaging guest interviews. 

In this session, we’ll walk you through how to make your guest feel comfortable and look great on camera, along with how to remotely control their video and audio quality, and then jump into the perfect guest recording kits and some easy setup options for your more tech-averse guests.

Learn how to get higher-quality, more professional, and more engaging guest interviews when recording remotely.

Our speakers

Stephen Robles

Video Producer & Podcaster

Stephen is a member of the Riverside team and produces video content and tutorials on remote recording and podcasting. He has experience producing podcasts and video content for over 12 years.

Kendall Breitman

Community Manager

Kendall is a member of the Riverside team focused on supporting Riverside's community of creators. She has more than 10 years of experience working in television and video production for places like NBC and Bloomberg News.

Start using Riverside today

Easily record and edit high-quality audio & video remotely