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From Raw to Refined: Editing techniques for professional podcasts

Sep 19, 2023 12:00

Join Stephen as he shares his best tricks and techniques for podcast and video editing.  

Editing is a crucial aspect of podcasting and creating, and can make all the difference in captivating your audience and delivering your message effectively. In this session, you’ll learn how to transform your raw recordings into captivating, polished productions.

We’ll dive into various editing tools and software, and talk through everything from trimming to enhancing, adding seamless transitions, sound effects, music, and mastering sound levels as Stephen guides you through the art of post-production.

Join us for the next webinar!

Our speakers

Our speakers

Stephen Robles

Video Producer & Podcaster

Stephen is a member of the Riverside team and produces video content and tutorials on remote recording and podcasting. He has experience producing podcasts and video content for over 12 years.

Start using Riverside today

Easily record and edit high-quality audio & video remotely

Recorded on
Sep 19, 2023 12:00 PM

From Raw to Refined: Editing techniques for professional podcasts

Join Stephen as he shares his best tricks and techniques for podcast and video editing.  

Editing is a crucial aspect of podcasting and creating, and can make all the difference in captivating your audience and delivering your message effectively. In this session, you’ll learn how to transform your raw recordings into captivating, polished productions.

We’ll dive into various editing tools and software, and talk through everything from trimming to enhancing, adding seamless transitions, sound effects, music, and mastering sound levels as Stephen guides you through the art of post-production.

Learn how to elevate your recordings as we share our favorite editing techniques, tools and software to create professional, polished productions.

Our speakers

Stephen Robles

Video Producer & Podcaster

Stephen is a member of the Riverside team and produces video content and tutorials on remote recording and podcasting. He has experience producing podcasts and video content for over 12 years.

Start using Riverside today

Easily record and edit high-quality audio & video remotely