Show Notes

Table of contents:

What are show notes?

Show notes are brief summaries of a podcast or video. They highlight key topics, important points, and links to relevant resources discussed during the episode.

Why are show notes important?

Show notes help summarize the episode for listeners, improve search engine optimization (SEO) for discoverability, and provide additional resources like guest details and links.

How long are show notes?

Show notes are typically 200-500 words. They should summarize the episode, list key points, and include relevant links.

What is the difference between episode description and show notes?

An episode description is a short overview (a few sentences) of the podcast episode that appears on podcast platforms. Show notes are more detailed, often including timestamps, key points, guest bios, and resources.

What should podcast show notes look like?

Show notes should include:

  • A brief summary.
  • Timestamps for key moments.
  • Links to resources.
  • Guest bios.
  • Call-to-actions - subscribe or review
Read More: Podcast Show Note Templates and Writing Tips

How to generate AI Show Notes on Riverside

  • Log in to your Riverside account.
  • In the ☰ menu, select the relevant studio.
  • Click the relevant project.
  • Under Recordings, choose the recording you want to generate notes for.
  • Scroll down to the AI Show Notes section.
  • Click the Generate Show Notes button.
  • Riverside will analyze your conversation and generate the show notes, which may include:some text
    • Summary
    • Keywords/SEO tags
    • Takeaways
    • Sound bites
    • Chapter titles and timestamps
  • Once generated, click the copy icon to copy the text to your clipboard for further use.
riverside AI show notes

Note: The recording must be longer than 5 minutes, and the transcription needs to be ready for show notes to be generated.

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