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Editor & Clips Walkthrough

Editor & Clips Walkthrough
Understand how to use the powerful Riverside editor to export your full recordings with your preferred layout and branding. Additionally learn how you can create short clips for Tiktok or reels to share your latest episode on social media.

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Welcome to our Getting Started with Riverside series. In this video, we're going to cover the Riverside editor, the Riverside editor is a powerful tool that lets you take your full recordings and export either a full video with you and your guests side by side so you can export vertical clips for Tiktok or reels. And you can remove portions of your recording from the beginning and or in the middle.

So you don't even have to download and bring your video into a third party editor. You can do everything right in Riverside. Here's how it works. I've logged into my Riverside account, and I'm gonna go into one of the recordings of my studio, I'll go to the latest episode. And here you can view all your recordings and download the individual tracks, but I'm going to click the Edit button in the top right corner.

From here you can choose a layout for the video you'd like to export, you can create multiple clips. So this is just an initial choice. But let's say we want to export the full-length video for something like a video podcast to upload to YouTube. Now you can see both my video and my co host are set up side by side and we have the full length of the recording. And honestly, it's ready to export right here.

But we have several options to choose from, I can click the title here at the top and change the name of this clip. Maybe I'll call it full episode. That'll help me distinguish it later on the recordings page. Now here on the left, you have the tracks option, your host, any guests and even any screen recordings and clips from the media board played will appear in this list, you can uncheck a certain track to not include it in this clip.


You can even drag to reorder which side your guest and co-host appears on by clicking and dragging these lines next to the name and you can even choose to just use the audio portion for this clip of a certain guest or August's. Again, I'm exporting a full video clip so I'm going to keep everything checked here and we can move on to the next option.

Here we can even choose to adjust the size after we've created our clip. So 16:9 is the full-length widescreen version for something like YouTube, you can choose one by one for something like Instagram, or 9:16 for Tiktok reels or YouTube shorts. Again, we can create multiple clips and we'll do a vertical clip in a moment we'll keep it on 16:9 for now, I can click the Layout option.

And here we have multiple options for how we want everyone displayed, I can turn off the borders that appear in between the guest and co host videos or add those gaps in between. I like a little more space between the video so I'll keep it like this. We also have AI Lab This means that it will focus on the active speaker throughout the clip and change as the speaker changes.

You can also choose shared AI where the active speaker will appear large in the frame and other guests will appear in the right and you can choose Split AI where the live speaker will be here and then all the guests will appear in the right column as well. This might be helpful for panel discussions or webinars, but I'll go back to the grid with gaps because this is a full length podcast. You can choose to keep the aspect ratio of each video so if you'd like the full 16:9 video of each participant to be shown here in the clip, you can choose to keep aspect ratio, but I'm good cropping in because we really want to focus on the face.


You can also turn on rounded corners for the video or disabled that the next tab allows us to change the background image that appears behind the video clips. You can even upload your own image by clicking the plus icon. I'll choose that image and move on to the logo portion. Here I can actually add a logo either for the podcast or for your business. Once you upload your logo it's placed on top of the video and then you can move it around, place it wherever you'd like in the frame. And you can even resize it to make it a little more discreet.

If you'd like to remove your logo, click the logo button again and tap the Remove button. Once you have your layout set. Now you can adjust the in and out points and even remove sections right here in the Riverside editor. You can click and drag the beginning or end point and Riverside will start the exported video right here where you set the endpoint and or outpoint. If there's a section you'd like to remove from your recording, move the playhead to the section you'd like to remove.

If you're on our teams account and you've set markers, you can even choose to move the play head to one of those markers, and then click the Split command. Once you split these clips, you now have an in and out point for each side of the clip and you can drag those to exactly where you need. When you export this video, Riverside will only include the highlighted purple sections, anything grayed out will not be included in the final recording.

If you move the playhead to the end of one clip and preview it you'll see that during playback, it will skip from this section to that section and you won't have that removed section included for each section, you can also type in the timecode to get the exact place you want and in and outpoint. If there's a highlighted section you'd like to remove completely, click the section and then delete. If you'd like to start over with the editor timeline, just click Reset timeline. Once you've removed all the sections and set the in and out points, click the export button in the top right.


You can choose Video Quality up to 4K if you recorded in that resolution, you can normalize audio levels, enabling that toggle will try to make all the volume even across all of your guests. So if some guests had a lower volume than others, it will raise those and lower those who had a higher volume. If there was any background noise in the recording. You can try to remove that here on export and you can choose to remove the Riverside watermark from your exported clip.

Then when you're ready, click Export. It will take a few minutes to process your clip and then you'll get an email when it's ready to download Back on the recordings page for this episode, you'll see that all the clips that we've edited in the past are still available to download. I can click the three dots on any of these clips, click Publish, and I can send it to something like Spotify or a podcast host like transistor, I can download this clip again, preview it, rename it, duplicate it, or I can copy the ID if I need help from support. You can also delete this clip if you no longer need it.


Saving these clips is a great way to create multiple short reels for TikTok or Instagram. And then you can download them in the future and refer back to them. And that's how to use the Riverside editor to make full length clips nine by 16 clips for reels or TikTok and more. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel at We have lots of content on equipment recommendations, how to build a video podcast setup and in some more. If you have any questions leave a comment below this video if you're watching on YouTube, or contact our support team on our website, and we'd love to answer your questions there. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll catch you in the next video.

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